29 September 2010

Urged towards a speaking he cannot produce...

Our hero is wrongly sized.  Small and wet in the mouth.  And, a she.

No, that's too much.

[Taking my legs out from beneath me.]

A small he, and wet with things he shouldn't have said.  His name changes, but for now it is "he." 

Our hero, he, managed to skip the stage of infancy...but, in doing so, he found himself living from ages 3 to 6 three times over.  The first time was eye opening; the second dull; and, during the third was when he became wet limbed.  At 15, this spread to his mouth. 

And, now, we meet him at the still relatively ripe age of 19.  He is understandably, but somehow still inexcusably, horny.  And, yes, he does have a way with girls and especially women.  What you dislike and worry over, he licks up and cannot finish with.  You should be thankful.  He is, we shall say, appreciative.  Sublimely appreciative.  In his own words, which he stole from Marguerite Duras (and, to complicate the issue, from her translator):  "I prefer your face as it is now.  Ravaged."  [Yes, be scared.  It will leave more for the rest of us.]


At this point, his name conveniently changed to

The problem is that it's not very clear what exactly he did to become a/our hero.  Perhaps we can dig into his history a bit and see what we can find.

Here's something.  At the second time around of being five, the following sequence occurred:

[To be continued, let's assume.]

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